The Beginning Of Sancta Familia
Unbeknown to leaders and educators back in 2009, Sancta Familia has been many years in the making and has its roots firmly in the belief that 'each has talents according to their ability' (Matthew 25).
Sancta Familia CAT is outward facing and of the understanding Catholic education is stronger as one body united in Christ serving the common good.

Like a Mustard Seed...
Sancta Familia began like the mustard seed, from small beginnings. It originated with the Merton Catholic Deanery of Schools in 2009 working together, their partnership supported Catholic primary school/s in Merton and enabled each to flourish and be a beacon of success during difficult and challenging times.
Merton Catholic Deanery of Schools
Ursuline High School & Wimbledon College - Religious Order School Society of Jesus (SJ)
Sacred Heart, St Teresa, St Thomas of Canterbury, SS Peter and Paul, St Mary’s Wimbledon, and St John Fisher
Avila Partnership
In 2014 the Avila Partnership was formed to promote, support and develop female Catholic education in South West London. Ursuline High School, Wimbledon and St Philomena's Catholic High School for Girls in Carshalton educate collectively nearly 3000 young women. Founded on two strong and unique charisms and celebrating over 130 years of Catholic education each, a deep commitment and strong partnership was born based on the values of our founders, St Angela Merici and Blessed Marie Therese.
Giving service 'Serviam' and being the person Christ called you to be 'seeking, knowing and loving him' was the cornerstone of Avila's work. Avila was named after St Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite and one of only four female Doctors of the RC Church. In addition to the work specifically in female education, Avila further supported the work of Catholic education across the Archdiocese of Southwark by delivering a year-long training programme in 2019/20 ongoing professional development exploring 'What Makes Great Catholic Schools', a publication of case studies are available for other schools to use across both primary and secondary phases.
Post-pandemic in 2021/22, the Partnership became a Delivery Partner (DP) delivering the new suite of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) outlined in the White Paper 'Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child' working in partnership with the Catholic Education Service (CES) and Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership (CEFEL). As the work grew, further collaborations evolved, Avila Lambeth and Avila Lewisham supporting ethical leadership in Catholic education.
Most recently in 2023/24, the Partnership became the first in the Archdiocese to pilot and deliver the RCIA programme in school as part of our work supporting the evangelisation of our staff who work and serve in our schools.
St Philomena's Catholic High School
St Philomena's Catholic High School for Girls joined the Merton Catholic Deanery of schools, partly because the vast majority of secondary schools in the London Borough of Sutton were already Single Academy Trusts (SAT) or becoming Multi Academy Trusts (MATS). The education services offered by the Local Authority were statutory services only and the school wished to be part of a wider family of like-minded schools.
Sutton Catholic School Alliance (SCSA)
Recognising the benefits of partnership working especially supporting the Transfer to Secondary School (TSS) process, the Sutton Catholic Primary Schools work closely in partnership supporting the common good in ensuring our young people have a seamless transition of faith education.
The family of SCSA consists of eight schools, namely;
The John Fisher School and St Philomena's Catholic High School for Girls
The Federation of St Mary's Infants and Juniors (The Federation consists of two schools), St Cecilia's, The Federation of St Elphege's and Regina Coeli (The Federation comprises of three schools)
Merton and Sutton Deaneries
Merton and Sutton Deaneries of school came and merged forming The Spirit Trust. With shared vision and values the collaborative work went from strength to strength. Schools worked in hubs, sharing good practices, visiting each other's schools and strategically developing one of the five founding CATs in the Archdiocese.
Spirit Trust went to the CAT
Spirit Trust went to the CAT Oversight Group in December 2022 and permission was given from the Archbishop to proceed with the formation of Sancta Familia CAT
Directors were appointed
Directors were appointed, as of June 2024, Sancta Familia CAT has nine directors. Each director contributes fully with their own particular gifts and talents, rich in experience and committed to the unique vision of the Trust and Catholic education as a whole.
Six schools received Academy Orders
Six schools received Academy Orders in January 2024 and are working towards an academy conversion date of either 1st December 24 or 31st March 25. The Department for Education (DfE) has expressed a preference for all six schools to convert together. The six schools are;
Ursuline High School, St Philomena's Catholic High School for Girls, Federation of St Elphege's and Regina Coeli (the Federation comprises of three schools) and St John Fisher Primary School in Merton.
The Jubilee Year of Hope
Planning is underway for the remaining nine schools across the Deaneries of Merton and Sutton to join in three separate trios.